Tree Stump Removal

Magnum Tree Service – Coral Springs is a tree service company that offers dependable tree stump removal services within their service coverage areas. Trees can grow within an environment for many years without any issue, but after it has been considered for removal, you may experience a few challenges. The tree stump is one of those rising challenges, and people have been experiencing this for long. It is crucial that your entrance, whether home or office, is free from blockage (stump). When your entry is a clear path, it will ensure easy access for visitors and customers. When you need tree stump removal services that are reliable and affordable, then call us.

Safety and prevention of injury
In a home where you have young children, safety is paramount. Children are naïve and may not know where to play and where to avoid as a playground. And when there is a tree stump, it can cause a negative impact. Children may be running around and trip over a stump. This can be extremely dangerous and may lead to injury in most cases. Magnum Tree Service is in the business of tree stump removal for many years, and we can help you remove tree stumps to avert future injury.

Prevents growth of a new tree
Underneath the stump, the root of the tree can still regenerate and grow to a new tree. If the stuff is not eradicated from the ground. It will be difficult to stop the interruption; once it is left unattended, it will influence your landscaping and become a nuisance to the environment. As a tree company, we understand that stump prevents the growth of a new tree regenerating from a tree stump within your domain.

Spread infections
If a tree was infected before it was removed or cut down, then the stump still on the ground is affected too. Having an infected stump lie in your building means that the infection can spread within the soil to other plant existing in the environment. If the infection spreads completely to other innocent plants, then would be a frustrating effort and waste of time to have had those plant in the building. To ensure that other plants or maybe trees are safe and healthy, then you must ensure that the stump of the infectious tree is removed. Removing the stump is the only way to avoid the spread of infection to other trees.

Avoid Stump sprouting
One of the safest and right options to remove trees is to cut the tree down and then remove the stump immediately. You don’t need to wait for many years to remove the stump because the risk related is higher than the benefits. Stump sprouting involves a new growth spring up from the stump, which its original tree doesn’t exist anymore. The sprout keeps growing and contends with the stump for an opportunity to mature. However, a new tree growing through the sprouting process is not ideal, if, given a chance to develop, it won’t have fresh leaves with strong branches